Spring Fling Ready!
“It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade. -Charles Dickens”
Ah, I can feel the refreshening temperatures quickly approaching, the bloom of stunning flowers, and the streets of downtown DC crowded with people fleeing from cabin fever. Although it's not my favorite season, it beats wintry conditions. Nonetheless, Summer is in the light and winter is in the shade as Dickens mentioned.
As we embrace, accept, and welcome the Spring season, changes in our mindset and wardrobe should all align. In reference to our thoughts, perspective, and mindset, here are three things to do to move on to a new season. First, embrace that you are changing, growing, and evolving as well as those around you. Your tribe may change. Things that worked for you in the winter season of life may not work for you in the new season. Try to embrace it. Secondly, accept the changes. Be at peace, believe, and pray the serenity prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr. "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Thirdly, as you've emptied the old to make room for the new. Welcome the new. Gladly receive the new opportunities, new tribe, new lessons, new love, the new you, and everything else that the new season brings.
Let's get into that wardrobe. In order to get your closet ready to welcome the new season, let it blossom with the colors from Pantone's Top 10 Colors for Spring 2017. Ooh la la! Check out those COLORS. I'm so crushing on Kale, Primrose Yellow, Niagara, and of course Pale Dogwood and Hazelnut. Love. Love. Love. The great thing is that I have most of these colors in my closet. Don't forget to utilize these colors on your nails as well. Island Paradise will be new for me. But I'm looking forward to incorporating it in my Spring looks. Any colors you're not quite getting a good vibe from? Any favorites?
Pantone's Top 10 Colors for Spring 2017
Until Spring officially makes a grand entrance, continue with a transitional look similar to the one below. But please remember, Spring arrives in two weeks. Get that mindset and wardrobe ready for the new season that is quickly approaching us.
"It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade." -Charles Dickens